New stone age technology

History of technology

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History of technology use

It is impossible to imagine life without technology. The use of technology is everywhere on our way. Humans have used technique since prehistoric times. The history of technology of human innovation, spanning from the earliest tools to the sophisticated systems of the digital age.

Describe the history of technology

In fact, the journey of technology started from the Old Stone Age. When people used to transform stones into various forms to make tools and hunt. The Paleolithic period ended in 15000 BC. Then began the Middle Stone Age (15000-10000 BC). During this period, stone tools were smaller and more advanced than those of the Paleolithic. During this era  man invented the dog-drawn carriage.They were use it  for transportation. This was followed by the New Stone Age (8000-4000 BC). During this time people began to use sharper and smoother tools.These tools were lighter and smaller than those of the Middle stone Ages. At this time they began to gather food through agriculture and hunt animals. They started rearing animals and began to use the wheel. They   built permanent residence.  During this period man discovered the technique of making fire  .

Modern Technology was just a newborn when fire was invented. After that technology spread gradually. Technology has expanded into every aspect of life, including basic human needs. Such as food, clothing, housing, education, transportation, agriculture, medical Care, entertainment, communication, business, banking etc. Through various inventions, modern technology gradually progressed from childhood to adolescence.With the invention of computers and mobiles, technology has come of age.  Once people used to fight with their hands, then with swords, Currently, various types of technology based firearms are used in the battlefield


As technology is being improved day by day and is  being used for the welfare of people. some technologies are also bringing harm to people. However, it is being used for welfare more than for harm.